Bröndum/Gärdin duo
tor14nov19:00tor20:00Bröndum/Gärdin duo19:00 - 20:00 TypMusik
Om Evenemanget
Lars Bröndum is a composer, PHD, performer of live electronics, theorist and guitarist. His music often explores the interaction between acoustic and electronic instruments and lives on the border between written
Om Evenemanget
Lars Bröndum is a composer, PHD, performer of live electronics, theorist and guitarist. His music often explores the interaction between acoustic and electronic instruments and lives on the border between written music and improvisation. The compositions are structured around cyclical processes, irregular ostinatos, fragmented gestures and microtonal clusters.
Per Gerdin
Soprano and alto saxophones in mainly improvisational settings. Originally selftaught, later studied saxophone and music theory for Lennart Jansson (1980-1983), and Musicology, Ethnology, Philosophy and History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Collaborations in improvised music at EMS, the electronic music studio in Stockholm. Worked with vibraphone player Charles Serhan in different studio sessions in duo/trio/quartet settings in the mid of 80s.
From the 90s and onwards mostly small temporary groups and solo saxophone improvisations and recordings. 2009-2010 a member of Total Vibration, a group based in Spain concentrating on playing Don Cherry-compositions. So far ibnmusik has released “in situ” (2010) and “loos” (2012).
(Torsdag) 19:00 - 20:00
Dragarbrunnsgatan 53